You Will find in this topic the answers of WordelixFor the levels with clues starting from What’s important to clues starting with Why did the bear.
Wordelix ( What’s important To Why did the bear) Answers :
- What’s important for the keyboard to know not to be late to work?
- What’s inside a woman’s bag?
- What’s leggings’ favorite workout at the gym?
- What’s prickly and green but isn’t a cactus?
- What’s the best way to mend a broken heart?
- What’s the best way to steal someone’s heart?
- What’s the best way to tune a piano at sea?
- What’s the bodybuilder’s favorite antique exercise device?
- What’s the clothesline’s favorite pastime?
- What’s the fastest way to travel back in time?
- What’s the hardest thing for a leopard to change?
- What’s the most faithful thing in the world, yet it’s often broken?
- What’s the onion’s defense?
- What’s the photographer’s excuse for shoddy work?
- What’s the scientific string that ties two souls together?
- What’s your go-to but isn’t a place?
- When can you collect candy and celebrate the harvest?
- When does New Year’s Day come before Christmas Day?
- When the bucket brigade fought the blaze, they were…
- When the bucket brigade fought the fire, what happened to them?
- When the tabby cuddle on her lap, she was…
- Where are bulls and bears most likely to be found?
- Where can you find a skeleton while playing hide and seek?
- Where did the crow put her feather after winning the contest?
- Where did the student’s report card get wet?
- Where do books like to sleep when traveling?
- Where do crayons go on vacation?
- Where do dogs park their cars?
- Where do fish sleep?
- Where do movie stars disappear to?
- Where do politicians like to spend their time in a hotel?
- Where do sharks go on vacation?
- Where do they take two disputants?
- Where does a boat go when it’s sick?
- Where does the investor want to be transported in a time machine?
- Where to make cool pants?
- Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
- Where’s the secret cat hiding?
- Which medical specialist does the politician visit most often?
- Which of Santa’s reindeer moves the best?
- Who can drive all their customers away and still make money?
- Who can hold up a bus with one hand?
- Who do you need to fix all the bugs in your software?
- Who does a ghost become when he puts on torn clothes?
- Who gets the cheese in the mousetrap?
- Who has extra legs, and makes people scream?
- Who is a politician’s favorite author?
- Who shines in a soup?
- Who shines in the soup?
- Who shoots arrows at you, but you don’t mind?
- Who was killed by curiosity?
- Who’s quick in a jam?
- Why a bucket can’t hold secrets?
- Why are cats bad storytellers?
- Why are cats so good at video games?
- Why are elephants never rich?
- Why are friends like elevators?
- Why are jeans always so sad?
- Why are mirrors so wise?
- Why are people afraid of computers?
- Why are politicians good at soccer?
- Why are rivers rich?
- Why are testers great at hide-and-seek?
- Why are turkeys wise?
- Why are writers always chilly at work?
- Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long?
- Why can’t cheese keep secrets?
- Why cars love heels?
- Why couldn’t the two elephants go swimming together?
- Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
- Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
- Why couldn’t the sesame seed stop dancing?
- Why did friends become gardeners?
- Why did frogs go to work in IT?
- Why did Julius Caesar buy crayons?
- Why did pillows go to school?
- Why did the accountant break up with the calculator?
- Why did the actor become a baker?
- Why did the actor carry a map?
- Why did the actor eat in the theater?
- Why did the actor start a garden?
- Why did the actor switch to comedy roles?
- Why did the actress always carry a suitcase?
- Why did the actress become a chef?
- Why did the actress go broke?
- Why did the adventurers have a pet?
- Why did the agenda seem lost?
- Why did the airplane get sent to its room?
- Why did the ancient protector wear a cape?
- Why did the artist bring a pencil to bed?
- Why did the artist get popular at school?
- Why did the artist get sad?
- Why did the artist go to jail?
- Why did the astronaut break up with his girlfriend?
- Why did the baker become a humorist?
- Why did the baker become a painter?
- Why did the banana go to the doctor?
- Why did the banker switch careers?
- Why did the banker take up gardening?
- Why did the bear love the market?
After finishing these level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic :Answers of Wordelix Level For the levels with clues starting from Why did the belt to clues starting with Why did the mummy call.
Thanks for your visit.