You Will find in this topic the answers of WordelixFor the levels with clues starting from What is the rarest to clues starting with What’s a banker’s favorite dessert?.
Wordelix ( What is the rarest To What’s a banker’s favorite dessert?) Answers :
- What is the rarest celestial body?
- What is the surgeon’s favorite note?
- What is the vacuum cleaner’s favorite pet?
- What it takes to find the chocolate chips that mom hid?
- What job did the frog have at the hotel?
- What keeps the tie from smiling?
- What kept the car from getting to the party on time?
- What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?
- What kind of currency do space travelers use?
- What kind of dessert does a ghost like for his birthday?
- What kind of dog can tell time?
- What kind of dog chases anything red?
- What kind of dog do archaeologists usually get?
- What kind of exercise do lazy people do?
- What kind of family parties do spiders throw?
- What kind of flowers are best for a mom?
- What kind of friend can enter your house with boots on without upsetting you?
- What kind of friend is always there when you wake up?
- What kind of instrument does a skeleton play?
- What kind of key opens a banana?
- What kind of keys are sweet?
- What kind of leisure activity always comes with a lot of strings attached?
- What kind of music concerts do robots like?
- What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?
- What kind of music do mummies like listening to on Halloween?
- What kind of nature do programmers love?
- What kind of nut has no shell?
- What kind of room has no doors or windows?
- What kind of streets do ghosts haunt?
- What kind of tree can you hold in your hand?
- What kind of tree can you hold in your hand?
- What kind of tree does a math teacher climb?
- What kind of vegetables do you get at the movies?
- What liquid always feels great?
- What makes friends musical?
- What makes lettuce cool?
- What makes owls wise?
- What makes vampire friends so special?
- What medical facility did the vampire work at?
- What money can be found on the beach at low tide?
- What motivates plumbers?
- What movie for children was the most well-liked in ancient Greece?
- What movie premiere did the magician go to with his whole family?
- What muscles does the pirate work out in the gym?
- What music does the bat prefer?
- What music genre does St. Patrick like?
- What musical instrument is strictly honorable and honest?
- What office equipment gives twice as much love as it gets?
- What part of a book is never read by a judge?
- What part of the car is the laziest?
- What part of the chicken has the most feathers?
- What piece of clothing can solve any mystery case?
- What prevented the Egyptians from writing on paper?
- What problems brought the math textbook to the doctor?
- What profession turns a door into a tin can?
- What room doesn’t need a Halloween ghost?
- What runs around a backyard, yet never moves?
- What season do money tree owners look forward to?
- What she did when she received a necklace from the pirate chest?
- What should you do before buying a bed?
- What shouldn’t you do with spilled milk?
- What sick bird went to jail?
- What sleeping bags can turn into on the spur of the moment
- What smartwatch likes to cook?
- What snack is the most romantic?
- What starts with E, ends with E, and has only 1 letter in it?
- What the aging mechanic considered while changing the balding wheels?
- What the customer did before buying?
- What the farmer got then he turned the field into a junkyard
- What the forgetful artist did at the lawyer’s office?
- What the golfer listened to while he practiced?
- What the irate magician pull?
- What the police do to library thieves?
- What the reliever did when the starter got hurt?
- What time do you go to the dentist?
- What to expect from a barking dog?
- What travels around the world but stays in a corner?
- What tree wasn’t sold alcohol at the store?
- What TV series does an office chair watch?
- What type of market should you never take your dog?
- What type of music do stones listen to?
- What type of ship never sinks?
- What type of stone can never be found in the ocean?
- What was causing the chalk to be stressed?
- What was the burrito’s proposal like?
- What was the most popular drink during Prohibition?
- What was the name of the electrician who moonlighted as a detective?
- What weapon can you compare a politician who can’t win to?
- What were the relationships between a triangle and a circle?
- What will a friendly pickle say if you ask them for help?
- What word does Newton and music have in common?
- What would a belt say in a car?
- What would a friendly pickle say if you asked it for help?
- What would a reptile wear?
- What would everyone do on Halloween?
- What would Santa Claus use for photography?
- What would seagulls be if they flew over the bay?
- What would Thanksgiving tell you when saying goodbye?
- What’s a bank robber’s favorite snack?
- What’s a banker’s favorite dessert?
After finishing these level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic :Answers of Wordelix Level For the levels with clues starting from What’s a banker’s favorite instrument to clues starting with What’s grandpa.
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