You Will find in this topic the answers of WordelixFor the levels with clues starting from What does a staplers to clues starting with What is the pencil.
Wordelix ( What does a staplers To What is the pencil) Answers :
- What does a stapler eat for lunch?
- What does a watchman do when a sparrow sits on his head?
- What does an exhausted pumpkin want?
- What does every dog have?
- What does every family have that has words but never speaks?
- What does lovesick bread say?
- What does mom like to play in the kitchen?
- What does Santa say when shocked?
- What does Santa write first when journaling?
- What does the accountant order for dessert?
- What does the air freshener smell like on vacation?
- What does the boot say when you ask it for help?
- What does the car value in its relationship with the tires?
- What does the computer lack in its relationship?
- What does the dentist of the year get?
- What does the melon want to be when it jumps into the lake?
- What does the mermaid use to search for routes?
- What does the planet look for in its partner?
- What does the reindeer artist always say?
- What does the shoe think of its partner?
- What does the spider do in IT?
- What does the tree want the dentist to treat?
- What does the yoga instructor like to do in a painting class?
- What educational institution do you go to if you are a giant?
- What exercise is a chocolate bar best at?
- What film director asked of the child star?
- What friend enters a room with you but never says a word?
- What friend helps you when you break the law?
- What fuels lady drivers?
- What genre do ghosts perform in?
- What gets smaller every time you use it?
- What goes up when rain comes down?
- What happened to the eggs when they heard a joke?
- What happens if a parrot turns orange?
- What happens if you go so far?
- What happens when a cat eats a lemon?
- What happens when a frog’s car breaks down?
- What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog because of dark clothing?
- What happens when a strawberry gets run over crossing the street?
- What happens when fog lifts in California?
- What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
- What has a ring but doesn’t expect to get married?
- What has a spine but no bones?
- What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish?
- What has ears but cannot hear?
- What has four wheels and flies?
- What has keys but never sends e-mails?
- What has many needles, but doesn’t sew?
- What has more letters than the alphabet?
- What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?
- What he became when he manned the rudder?
- What he had on when he was awakened?
- What helped the car keep calm in traffic?
- What helped the Christmas turkey get into the band?
- What helped the computer pack the stadium at its performance?
- What helped the gardener become a stand-up comedian?
- What helped the pajamas win at poker?
- What helped the scarecrow become a successful traveler?
- What helps chemists solve any problem perfectly?
- What helps the doctor to stay in tune with his patients?
- What helps the Easter Bunny keep his fur clean?
- What helps to keep a healthy glow?
- What hobby can you rely on for a strong bond?
- What hobby involves a lot of pins but isn’t sewing?
- What hobby is truly a cut above the rest?
- What is a bulb’s motto?
- What is a computer’s favorite music genre?
- What is a dentist’s favorite animal?
- What is a dentist’s favorite instrument?
- What is a financial advisor’s favorite time of year?
- What is a hare wary of in a winter forest full of predators?
- What is a lion’s favorite U.S. state to visit?
- What is a politician’s favorite pet?
- What is a schoolgirl doing in front of the mirror?
- What is a soccer player’s favorite instrument?
- What is an astronaut’s favorite part of a computer?
- What is an astronaut’s favorite part of a computer?
- What is as light as a feather, but even a strong man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute?
- What is at the end of a rainbow?
- What is covered in letters but not a book?
- What is Cupid’s favorite suit?
- What is Dracula’s favorite breed of dog?
- What is fluffy and white, yet not a cloud?
- What is harder to catch the faster you run?
- What is positive to be found in ignorance?
- What is similar to a keyboard but can’t type text?
- What is the best tool for tuning a piano at sea?
- What is the best yellow-haired spy in the British Secret Service?
- What is the bumblebee’s favorite mental exercise?
- What is the cat going to be after graduating from medical school?
- What is the document most proud of?
- What is the floor’s favorite language?
- What is the ghosts’ favorite family member?
- What is the hardest part about skydiving?
- What is the math teacher’s favorite thing about family gatherings?
- What is the most periodic thing in chemistry?
- What is the name of the drink that could save your life from thirst?
- What is the name of the pig’s crushing blow in karate?
- What is the name of the rich bird?
- What is the pencil’s favorite place in the United States?
After finishing these level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic :Answers of Wordelix Level For the levels with clues starting from What is the rarest to clues starting with What’s a banker’s favorite dessert?.
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