You Will find in this topic the answers of WordelixFor the levels with clues starting from What breed to clues starting with What did the teacher.
Wordelix ( What breed To What did the teacher) Answers :
- What breed of canine can jump higher than a building?
- What can a politician have and not have at the same time?
- What can be relied upon but isn’t a lifeline?
- What can be rolled but isn’t a wheel?
- What can be shared but isn’t a secret?
- What can hold a lot of data but not a conversation?
- What can keep things together but not a stapler?
- What can Santa do when his elves misbehave?
- What can sisters share that brothers cannot?
- What can sleeping bags turn into in the blink of an eye?
- What chatty priests engaged in?
- What comes down but never goes up?
- What deals with paper but can’t write a single word?
- What did a Christmas tree say after the concert?
- What did best friends call a restaurant?
- What did he become when he manned the rudder?
- What did Mars say to Saturn?
- What did one domino piece say to another?
- What did one Easter egg say to the other?
- What did one flea say to the other?
- What did one flower say to the other flower?
- What did one hat say to the other?
- What did one hat say to the other?
- What did one musician say to another in a difficult situation?
- What did one plate say to another at the family dinner?
- What did one plate say to the other plate?
- What did one volcano say to the other?
- What did salad veggies say to each other when they finally met?
- What did the accountant say while auditing a document?
- What did the artist bring to the housewarming party?
- What did the beach say to the ocean?
- What did the bee say to the flower?
- What did the big flower say to the little flowers?
- What did the car do before a hard practice session?
- What did the chocolate say to the marshmallow?
- What did the circle say to the lazy square refusing to shape up?
- What did the computer complain about during family therapy?
- What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?
- What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?
- What did the dancer do when she got a job at the zoo?
- What did the digital clock say to its family?
- What did the director ask of the child star?
- What did the doctor prescribe for the rocket ship?
- What did the drone call the helicopter?
- What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?
- What did the duck say when she bought a lipstick?
- What did the employee bring a ladder to work for?
- What did the employee want to tie up with string in the meeting?
- What did the farmer give his wife for Valentine’s Day?
- What did the fish in the school aquarium like best?
- What did the foot say to the sock on the mission?
- What did the forgetful artist do at the lawyer’s office?
- What did the forgetful artist do in the lawyer’s office?
- What did the frog friends order when they got to the restaurant?
- What did the full glass say to the empty glass?
- What did the full glass say to the empty glass?
- What did the gardener want to grow when he put the bulbs into the ground?
- What did the golfer listen to while practicing?
- What did the grandpa want to get when he put the money into the blender?
- What did the grape say when stepped on?
- What did the helicopter say to the drone?
- What did the historian say to comfort the worried student?
- What did the irate magician pull?
- What did the king want to get from the dentist?
- What did the light bulb say to the switch?
- What did the magnet in love say?
- What did the memo say to the secretary?
- What did the musician read in the library?
- What did the nurse want to find using the map?
- What did the ocean say when it met the beach?
- What did the old vacuum cleaner bite while cleaning?
- What did the Pharaoh say when he saw the pyramid?
- What did the photographer say to the model?
- What did the piggy break on her birthday?
- What did the pillow say to its crush?
- What did the pine say to its best friend?
- What did the pirate like in history class?
- What did the politician want to learn in the circus?
- What did the pond manager say to the disorganized ducks?
- What did the programmer do at lunchtime?
- What did the rock say to the sun?
- What did the router say to the doctor?
- What did the scarf say to its partner?
- What did the science book say to the history book?
- What did the secret agent hedgehog spill?
- What did the sedan say to the limo?
- What did the sheep say on Valentine’s Day?
- What did the shirt say to the tie?
- What did the shoe say at the farewell?
- What did the sick ship ask the doctor for?
- What did the skeleton say before dinner?
- What did the sleepy hamster hit?
- What did the snowman say to the customer?
- What did the spaghetti say to the meatball?
- What did the spider want to check in the computer?
- What did the Stone Age people eat at their parties?
- What did the student want to see from the ladder in the music class?
- What did the sun say to the plant?
- What did the tea say to the sugar?
- What did the teacher rely on to organize the party?
After finishing these level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic :Answers of Wordelix Level For the levels with clues starting from What did the tired to clues starting with What do you call a Mexican.
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