You Will find in this topic the answers of WordelixFor the levels with clues starting from How do two ophthalmologists to clues starting with What binds.
Wordelix ( How do two ophthalmologists To What binds) Answers :
- How do two ophthalmologists see each other?
- How do women dodge traffic?
- How do you call a careless skeleton?
- How do you catch a hip-hop musician?
- How do you describe a father sleeping quietly?
- How do you fix a broken pizza?
- How do you get straight A’s?
- How do you know if a politician is lying?
- How do you know if a vampire has a cold?
- How do you know when a drummer is at your door?
- How do you make a bandstand?
- How do you make a healthy lemon drop?
- How do you make a million dollars in the stock market?
- How do you organize a space party?
- How does a computer get drunk?
- How does a cool hat look?
- How does a dentist call his X-rays?
- How does a gardener confess his love?
- How does a hamburger introduce his wife?
- How does a history teacher talk to his students?
- How does a leg call its friend?
- How does a pianist open a locked door?
- How does a scarf usually spend its time?
- How does a snowman travel?
- How does a strawberry apologize to a raspberry?
- How does a surfer bid farewell?
- How does a tourist feel in a maze?
- How does an elephant listen to interesting stories?
- How does an octopus go into battle?
- How does an octopus go into battle?
- How does Reese eat her ice cream?
- How does the audiologist do his job?
- How does the car prefer to deal with loneliness?
- How does the Easter Bunny travel?
- How does the manager of a paper mill take inventory?
- How does the ocean say hello?
- How does the ocean say hi?
- How does the ocean say hi?
- How grapes stay fit?
- How many dimes do you need to be happy?
- How many egg baskets do you need?
- How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
- How paper factory manager takes stock of the inventory?
- How the audiologist does his job?
- How the cat reacted to the sudden roar of an engine?
- How to end a very hard day?
- How would skeleton friends look like if they fought?
- How would you describe a friendship between cardiologists?
- I am your friend and your morning drink. What am I?
- I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am I?
- I’m a pet that can roll into a ball, but I’m not a basketball. What am I?
- In what battle did the brave snowman fall?
- It’s Breakfast Time! I am your friend and your morning drink. What am I?
- Ladies’ response to road rage?
- Lady drivers’ mantra?
- Mom’s favorite race?
- Mom’s morning magic?
- New Year’s resolution?
- Ninja’s drink?
- Old car’s dream?
- Onion’s defense?
- Owl’s wisdom source?
- Pals’ rain plan?
- Pals’ snack choice?
- Parents’ quiet place?
- Pasta’s dream job?
- Pasta’s favorite music?
- Pastry Zen?
- Potato’s dream?
- Pumpkin pie’s dream?
- Pumpkin’s ambition?
- Rake’s favorite season?
- Received by the student pilot before his first landind
- Seal’s favorite game?
- Sister’s currency?
- Snowflake’s fear?
- Storms’ favorite dance?
- Sun’s fav snack?
- Sun’s favorite plant?
- Sun’s morning job?
- Tea in the desert?
- Teen’s survival kit?
- Teen’s weekend plan?
- The best gift to keep you warm?
- The key to friendship?
- The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?
- The photographer’s excuse for shoddy work
- The sport of gingerbread men?
- Tomato’s fear?
- Tween’s secret talent?
- Volcano’s temper?
- What a herb thinks about its friend?
- What a high-school girl does in front of the mirror?
- What airline do rabbits fly on?
- What always has your back in the office?
- What animal doesn’t miss a single baseball game?
- What animal needs to wear a wig?
- What are eggs afraid of when telling secrets to their family?
- What belongs to you, but your family members use it more than you do?
- What binds two people together but touches only one?
After finishing these level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic :Answers of Wordelix Level For the levels with clues starting from What breed to clues starting with What did the teacher.
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