You Will find in this topic the answers of WordelixFor the levels with clues starting from Why do sea snails to clues starting with Why was the math book.
Wordelix ( Why do sea snails To Why was the math book) Answers :
- Why do sea snails have shells?
- Why do sea turtles travel so far?
- Why do seagulls follow ships?
- Why do seahorses float upright?
- Why do seals love ice?
- Why do shoes live so long?
- Why do siblings compete?
- Why do skis love snow?
- Why do snakes hiss?
- Why do socks make great pairs?
- Why do starfish have five arms?
- Why do stars twinkle?
- Why do swordfish have long bills?
- Why do tailors love fabric?
- Why do taxis have miles?
- Why do taxis have yellow paint?
- Why do teachers love homework?
- Why do teachers love jokes?
- Why do teachers love quizzes?
- Why do teachers love school plays?
- Why do tourists go to bakeries?
- Why do turtles hide?
- Why do zebras have stripes?
- Why does a cat use sunscreen in the summer?
- Why does a politician avoid desserts?
- Why does a turkey have the highest grade in a class?
- Why does everybody like Frosty the Snowman?
- Why does the bear love the market?
- Why does the car hate parking lots?
- Why does the chief like the Roman Empire?
- Why does the doorman always carry a flashlight?
- Why does the fax machine feel lonely all the time?
- Why does the rabbit live in a tent on camping trips?
- Why does the superhero refuse to sit down?
- Why doesn’t it make sense to play hide and seek with tourists?
- Why don’t Christmas trees knit?
- Why don’t cows make good investors?
- Why don’t elevators make good workers?
- Why don’t shorts ever get lonely?
- Why don’t smartphones ever get lost?
- Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?
- Why don’t cats play poker?
- Why don’t curtains ever fight?
- Why don’t dogs make good dancers?
- Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
- Why don’t elephants like to travel?
- Why don’t keyboards take breaks?
- Why don’t lions play cards in the jungle?
- Why don’t oysters donate to charity?
- Why don’t programmers like nature?
- Why don’t programmers like nature?
- Why don’t refrigerators ever get lost?
- Why don’t secrets work in a garden?
- Why don’t sharks eat clownfish?
- Why don’t skeletons choose a hobby for two?
- Why don’t skeletons play music in church?
- Why don’t stockbrokers read novels?
- Why don’t tourists play cards?
- Why is a family tree difficult to understand?
- Why is Alabama a very smart state?
- Why is pizza confident?
- Why is the baker always late?
- Why is the calendar worried?
- Why is the doctor always in a hurry?
- Why is the door so stress-resistant?
- Why is the gardener so happy?
- Why is the grass so dangerous?
- Why is the laundry basket tired?
- Why is the lawn so optimistic?
- Why is the letter A like a flower?
- Why is the musician so good at school?
- Why is the refrigerator always so cool?
- Why jog on weekends?
- Why read on weekends?
- Why should you stay away from artists?
- Why the fisherman bought the new lure?
- Why was a loving heart so late?
- Why was the action movie star so good at math?
- Why was the actor always in trouble?
- Why was the ancient Egyptian confused?
- Why was the baseball cap popular?
- Why was the belt so stressed?
- Why was the broom late to meet its friend?
- Why was the calendar lonely?
- Why was the calendar so popular?
- Why was the clock so efficient?
- Why was the computer cold at work?
- Why was the computer cold?
- Why was the computer good at music?
- Why was the computer tired on the way home from work?
- Why was the couple’s walk special?
- Why was the door so wise?
- Why was the film reel always tired?
- Why was the ghost so calm?
- Why was the grape upset?
- Why was the history book sad?
- Why was the iron always so hot-headed?
- Why was the ketchup put into the same ward as the tomato?
- Why was the king only a foot tall?
- Why was the math book sad at the family gathering?
After finishing these level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic :Answers of Wordelix For the levels with clues starting from Why was the math teacher suspicious of prime numbers? to clues starting with Women’s parking secret?.
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