You Will find in this topic the answers of WordelixFor the levels with clues starting from A to clues starting with How Do Trees.
Wordelix ( A To How Do Trees) Answers :
- A dark road on a foggy night left them with this
- A drama queen’s tool?
- Actors’ favorite fish?
- Bananas’ comedy style?
- Best light for romance?
- Birdwatcher’s dream?
- Bookworms’ evening plan?
- Brother’s homework help?
- Brother’s nightly mission?
- Brother’s room sign?
- Cake’s favorite music?
- Car in a bad mood?
- Carrots’ secret wish?
- Cars’ favorite shoes?
- Cars’ night out?
- Chicken’s least favorite day?
- Christmas Eve’s magic?
- Christmas trees’ wish?
- Couples’ favorite ride?
- Cow’s fav dance move?
- Dad, are we pyromaniacs?
- Dad’s DIY project?
- Dishwasher’s night out?
- DIYers’ favorite quote?
- Elephant’s joy?
- Elf’s favorite tool?
- Elves’ coffee break?
- Elves’ favorite sport?
- Family hike’s reward?
- Favorite elf snack?
- Female copilot’s role?
- Female racer’s edge?
- Fish’s fav music?
- Flowers’ favorite hobby?
- Flowers’ morning routine?
- Fridge’s night life?
- Friends’ favorite banknote?
- Friends’ fitness routine?
- Friends’ secret stash?
- Friendship’s foundation?
- Frog’s favorite candy?
- Garden gnome’s job?
- Gardeners’ favorite music?
- Garlic’s social status?
- Ghost’s top skill?
- Grandma’s kitchen tool?
- Grandma’s search engine?
- Grandpa’s parking trick?
- How can a washing machine entertain?
- How can an astronaut love?
- How can Santa Claus make a photo of himself?
- How can you tell a hare from a rabbit?
- How can you tell it’s a dogwood tree?
- How can you tell it’s a dogwood tree?
- How did an accountant become a gardener?
- How did metal feel to the magnet?
- How did mozzarella’s serenade to pizza sound?
- How did the cat react to the sudden roar of the engine?
- How did the computer become a sommelier?
- How did the computer get out of jail?
- How did the historian win over his beloved?
- How did the runner fix his sore legs?
- How did the scarf feel after a long day?
- How did the student feel when he learned about electricity?
- How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?
- How did the Vikings send secret messages?
- How do a guava and a banana look together?
- How do a magnet and a nail stay friends?
- How do a strawberry apologize to a raspberry?
- How do artists relax?
- How do astronomers organize a party?
- How do bees travel?
- How do cars flirt?
- How do chefs relax?
- How do coffee cups greet each other?
- How do computers make friends?
- How do computers share secrets?
- How do families stick together without tape?
- How do friends solve puzzles?
- How do grapes stay fit?
- How do laptops eat their food?
- How do leaves travel?
- How do magnets date?
- How do moms teleport?
- How do movie stars style their hair?
- How do musicians stay cool during a concert?
- How do musicians teach their children financial literacy?
- How do painters cope with stress?
- How do pals cheer up?
- How do phones show love?
- How do politicians always stay in shape?
- How do politicians make decisions?
- How do sheep cry out at the sight of danger?
- How do smart fridges store secrets?
- How do stars greet each other?
- How do surfer friends say goodbye?
- How do texts hug?
- How do the birds that can’t fly act?
- How do trees access the internet?
- How do trees get online?
After finishing these level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic :Answers of Wordelix For the levels with clues starting from How do two ophthalmologists to clues starting with What binds.
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