After solving Word Trip Level 5804, we will continue in this topic with Word Trip Ethiopia Level 5805, this game was developed by PlaySimple Games Pte Ltd a famous one known in puzzle games for ios and android devices.
From Now on, you will have all the hints, cheats and needed answers to complete this puzzle.
Word Trip Ethiopia Level 5805 Answers:
PS: if you are looking for another level answers, you will find them in the below topic :
Version 1:
- Acre
- Cape
- Care
- Carp
- Cart
- Pace
- Pact
- Pare
- Part
- Race
- Rapt
- Rate
- Tape
- Caper
- Cater
- Crate
- Crept
- Pacer
- React
- Recap
- Taper
- Trace
- Carpet
Bonus Words
- Ate, Eat, Eta, Tea, Ape, Pea, Apt, Pat, Tap, Are, Ear, Era, Par, Rap, Art, Rat, Tar, Ace, Cap, Arc, Car, Act, Cat, Pet, Ret, Per, Pre, Peat, Tare, Tear, Aper, Pear, Reap, Tarp, Trap, Cate, Acer, Pert, Pater, Peart, Prate, Epact, Caret, Crape
Version 2:
- Acts
- Cant
- Cast
- Cats
- Coat
- Coin
- Cost
- Icon
- Into
- Iota
- Oats
- Scan
- Scat
- Canon
- Coast
- Saint
- Satin
- Scant
- Scion
- Stain
- Stoic
- Tonic
- Action
- Canton
- Cantos
- Casino
- Nation
- Contain
- Contains
- Sanction
After achieving this level, you can use the next topic to get the full list of needed words : Word Trip 5806.
If you have any suggestion, please feel free to comment this topic.