You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Rebus Level 59, You will have in this game to find the words from the clues or the pictures in order to fulfill the board and solve the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Rebus Level 59 Answers :
- Hand motions that express ideas
- An individual who has been convicted of a serious crime
- A brownish-green eye color
- Wiped down a bathtub with bleach
- Slants against a wall
- Show-____ (boastful people)
- Purchased and paid for
- Member of the school faculty
- Greek salad topper
- In need of some sprucing up
- Financial aid for a pupil
- ____ Jung, Swiss psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology
- Sicken with sweetness
- Places for Fitbits
- Snail with no shell
- Combines two or more things to form one
- Turtles lay them
- The total or quantity of something
- Jewish org. founded in the 1800s
- Extremely great in size
- Zip it!
- Body parts considered to be windows to the soul
- Huey, to Donald Duck
- Canadian actress Andrea
- Now that you mention it …
- Gyms sell a lot of these in early January
- Cause of some breathing problems
- Antlered animals
- Ceremonial practice
- Movie star Kate Hudson is the daughter of Kurt Russell and ______ Hawn
- Having a ____ skin means to be easily offended
- Makeup mishap or calligraphy fail
- Witches are believed to fly on these
- Run up or increase quickly
- Strong feeling of hostility and annoyance
- Going to see your relatives
- Picture : GOING
- Picture : THE
- Picture : ODDS
- Picture : THROUGH
- Picture : ARE
- Picture : THE
- Picture : MOTIONS
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Rebus Level 60
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