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Striving for the right answers? Lucky You! You are in the right place and time to meet your ambition. In fact, this topic is meant to untwist the answers of Word Hike Logic Level 95 Delicious Food. Accordingly, we provide you with all hints and cheats and needed answers to accomplish the required crossword and find a final solution phrase.
Word Hike Logic Level 95 Delicious Food Answers:
PS: Check out this topic below if you are seeking to solve another puzzle’s answers :
- PASTA is in Column A and RISOTTO is in Column D : Butter Chicken ( A1 )
- TIRAMISU is a coffee-flavored dessert made with layers of mascarpone, coffee, and cocoa powder : Samosa ( B1 )
- The second row is all Japanese food. C2 is a snack shaped like small, round balls. You can find wheat in the food of E2 : Biryani ( C1 )
- QUICHE, CROISSANT and CREME BRULEE are in the same row with the dessert located in the last cell, but MISO SOUP is not : Naan ( D1 )
- Find DUMPLINGS at the end of this column. The first cell of this table contains two words : Masala Dosa ( E1 )
- No Clue : Miso Soup ( A2 )
- Each row contains dishes associated with the same country. MASALA DOSA is in the last cell of the first row : Tempura ( B2 )
- A coffee-flavored dessert made with layers of mascarpone, coffee, and cocoa powder is next to RISOTTO in the same row : Takoyaki ( C2 )
- No Clue : Sushi ( D2 )
- RATATOUILLE is a delicious French dish. Find it in the Column D : Ramen ( E2 )
- TAKOYAKI is a Japanese food. It refers to fried balls of batter filled with diced octopus, topped with sauce and bonito flakes : Pasta ( A3 )
- SAMOSA is between BIRYANI and BUTTER CHICKEN in the first row : Pizza ( B3 )
- Japanese soup made with miso paste, tofu, and seaweed is between PASTA and BUTTER CHICKEN : Lasagna ( C3 )
- RAMEN is a Japanese noodle soup made with wheat noodles : Risotto ( D3 )
- PEKING DUCK, a famous Chinese dish where duck is roasted until the skin is crispy, is in one of the table’s corners : Tiramisu ( E3 )
- No Clue : Croissant ( A4 )
- No Clue : Baguette ( B4 )
- No Clue : Quiche ( C4 )
- LASAGNA is positioned in the center of the table : Ratatouille ( D4 )
- No Clue : Creme Brulee ( E4 )
- MAPO TOFU, HOT POT, and XIAOLONGBAO are in this row in a reverse order : Peking Duck ( A5 )
- A4 and B4 are baked goods. A4 is a pastry shaped like a crescent, while B4 is long and crusty : Xiaolongbao ( B5 )
- No Clue : Hot Pot ( C5 )
- SUSHI is vinegared rice served with raw fish, seafood, or vegetables, and it is below NAAN : Mapo Tofu ( D5 )
- B3 is an Italian dish with various toppings on a flat, round bread, then baked. Indian dishes are in the first row, for example, BIRYANI : Dumplings ( E5 )
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