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Striving for the right answers? Lucky You! You are in the right place and time to meet your ambition. In fact, this topic is meant to untwist the answers of Word Hike Logic Level 581 Greece. Accordingly, we provide you with all hints and cheats and needed answers to accomplish the required crossword and find a final solution phrase.
Word Hike Logic Level 581 Greece Answers:
PS: Check out this topic below if you are seeking to solve another puzzle’s answers :
- B1, C1, and D1 are either ACROPOLIS or TEMPLE or MYTH : Olympics ( A1 )
- No Clue : Acropolis ( B1 )
- PARTHENON and the 2nd code are side cells, but PARTHENON is linked to ACROPOLIS diagonally : Myth ( C1 )
- No Clue : Temple ( D1 )
- You will find the 1st code and PHILOSOPHY in the central row. PHILOSOPHY is surrounded on all sides : Democracy ( E1 )
- No Clue : Parthenon ( A2 )
- The C2-E4 diagonal includes AGORA, ODYSSEY, and TRAGEDY : Zeus ( B2 )
- No Clue : Tragedy ( C2 )
- No Clue : Spartan ( D2 )
- No Clue : Delphi ( E2 )
- PLATO and MYTH are hiding on the diagonals. Do not forget about CORINTH : Mythology ( A3 )
- No Clue : Philosophy ( B3 )
- ZEUS is on the left ascending diagonal. This column ends with ODYSSEUS : Homer ( C3 )
- No Clue : Agora ( D3 )
- PARTHENON and SPARTAN share one row with two cells between : Athena ( E3 )
- No Clue : Drama ( A4 )
- No Clue : Plato ( B4 )
- AGORA and DELPHI share one of these diagonals. DRAMA is the 2nd code : Polis ( C4 )
- No Clue : Corinth ( D4 )
- No Clue : Odyssey ( E4 )
- This column does not contain DEMOCRACY, but the last one contains ATHENA neighboring with ODYSSEY : Marathon ( A5 )
- No Clue : Trojan Horse ( B5 )
- TROJAN HORSE and MARATHON complete this row. POLIS is in this column, but not at the top : Odysseus ( C5 )
- E5 is the opposite of this cell. HOMER is the table center. MYTHOLOGY is the 1st code : Alexander ( D5 )
- Other corner cells are OLYMPICS, DEMOCRACY, and MARATHON : Socrates ( E5 )
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You can go to the next puzzle : Word Hike Logic Level 582.
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