Icon of the game Word Hike © Joy Vendor
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We have solved this phrase..
Just below the answer, you will be guided to the complete level.
Striving for the right answers? Lucky You! You are in the right place and time to meet your ambition. In fact, this topic is meant to untwist the answers of Word Hike Logic Level 224 Couples Often Fight About. Accordingly, we provide you with all hints and cheats and needed answers to accomplish the required crossword and find a final solution phrase.
Word Hike Logic Level 224 Couples Often Fight About Answers:
PS: Check out this topic below if you are seeking to solve another puzzle’s answers :
- No Clue : Debt ( A1 )
- LAUNDRY is below this cell : Salary ( B1 )
- MORTGAGE, VACATION, and DINNER are in the same column one cell apart from each other : Credit ( C1 )
- No Clue : Budget ( D1 )
- HYGIENE is adjacent to COMPLAINT. DUST is somewhere in this table : Mortgage ( E1 )
- If you connect the first letters of the cells B4 and A4, you will get “CD” : Schedule ( A2 )
- No Clue : Laundry ( B2 )
- DEBT, FITNESS, and DINNER are in the same diagonal : Organization ( C2 )
- No Clue : Trash ( D2 )
- No Clue : Vacuum ( E2 )
- No Clue : Smoking ( A3 )
- SALARY are in this column, but not near TELEVISION : Punctuality ( B3 )
- The first row is all about finance. ATTENTION are in D4 : Fitness ( C3 )
- B3 is PUNCTUALITY : Dust ( D3 )
- DRINKING is higher than SLEEPING. SCHEDULE is in Column A : Vacation ( E3 )
- C4 is the full name of DDL, which is about time : Drinking ( A4 )
- C3 is FITNESS. A3-A5 are words that ends with ING : Complaint ( B4 )
- HYGIENE and WORK are below this cell in different diagonals : Deadline ( C4 )
- SILENCE is to the right of this cell : Attention ( D4 )
- ORGANIZATION is between FITNESS and CREDIT : Silence ( E4 )
- The clue in C5 contains one word about money and one word ending with ING : Sleeping ( A5 )
- No Clue : Hygiene ( B5 )
- Now you can get BUDGET and SMOKING : Television ( C5 )
- TRASH is to the left of VACUUM. D3, A1, D5 have the same number of letters : Work ( D5 )
- No Clue : Dinner ( E5 )
We are pleased to help you find the word you searched for. Hence, don’t you want to continue this great winning adventure?
You can go to the next puzzle : Word Hike Logic Level 225.
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