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Striving for the right answers? Lucky You! You are in the right place and time to meet your ambition. In fact, this topic is meant to untwist the answers of Word Hike Logic Level 125 When Babies Are Born. Accordingly, we provide you with all hints and cheats and needed answers to accomplish the required crossword and find a final solution phrase.
Word Hike Logic Level 125 When Babies Are Born Answers:
PS: Check out this topic below if you are seeking to solve another puzzle’s answers :
- All baby nutritional supplements are arranged in alphabetical order : Baby Formula ( A1 )
- No Clue : Colostrum ( B1 )
- No Clue : Egg Yolk ( C1 )
- No Clue : Fish Oil ( D1 )
- DILATATION is in the final column, but WEIGHT CHECK is in the corner cell : Vegetable Puree ( E1 )
- No Clue : Birthing Ball ( A2 )
- APGAR SCORE is in the same column as BREECH POSITION, but higher. LACTATION is lower than VERNIX : Newborn ( B2 )
- No Clue : Apgar Score ( C2 )
- No Clue : Vernix ( D2 )
- No Clue : Lanugo ( E2 )
- NEWBORN is in this diagonal : Belly Butter ( A3 )
- D4 is the process of childbirth. COLOSTRUM is somewhere in this table : Umbilical Cord ( B3 )
- VEGETABLE PUREE and FISH OIL are next to each other. CRY is in the bottom cell of this column : Meconium ( C3 )
- No Clue : Crib ( D3 )
- All the words in Column A begin with the letter B : Jaundice ( E3 )
- No Clue : Body Pillow ( A4 )
- UMBILICAL CORD is above this cell. The first row contains baby nutritional supplements.LABOR is somewhere of this grid : Placenta ( B4 )
- No Clue : Breech Position ( C4 )
- BREASTFEEDING is only surrounded by BODY PILLOW, PLACENTA, and WATER BREAK : Labor ( D4 )
- BIRTHING BALL is higher than BELLY BUTTER. VERNIX is in Column D : Dilatation ( E4 )
- EGG YOLK provides high-quality protein and various other nutrients for infants. MECONIUM is in the center of the table : Breastfeeding ( A5 )
- No Clue : Water Break ( B5 )
- CRIB is between MECONIUM and JAUNDICE. BABY FORMULA is specially designed milk formula for feeding infants : Cry ( C5 )
- No Clue : Lactation ( D5 )
- LANUGO is in the second row of this column : Weight Check ( E5 )
We are pleased to help you find the word you searched for. Hence, don’t you want to continue this great winning adventure?
You can go to the next puzzle : Word Hike Logic Level 126.
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