You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 999, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 999 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- Absence of sound or noise
- Carefulness
- Child of Prague has been carved in Spain, and was brought to Prague as a _______ gift by a Spanish princess
- Child of Prague is a small wooden statue of the Infant _____ that is venerated as a miraculous image by Catholics
- Child of Prague is said to have _______ powers, and many people have reported being cured of ailments after have touched it
- Child of Prague was carved in Spain, and was brought to Prague as a _______ gift by a Spanish princess
- Difficult task or obstacle to overcome
- Disappointment or anticlimax
- Diverting in an odd way
- Earth or dirt
- Enclosed structure for holding animals
- Flag of the United Kingdom
- Formula formulators
- Gradual disappearance or weakening
- Grazer in a forest
- Hair around the neck of a horse or lion
- Hanging fabric used to cover a window or divide a space
- Hoofed mammal often hunted for sport
- Humorous or amusing
- Its fall could ruin an act
- Line separating two regions or countries
- Lose brightness
- Norse god associated with war and wisdom
- On the blue side
- Scientists who study reactions
- Something that may be golden or broken
- Stallion’s pride
- Take a risk
- Take a risk
- To confine
- To confine
- To lie on the edge of
- To make dirty
- Unhappy or sorrowful
- Warning or advice to be careful
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 1000
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