You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 400, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 400 Answers :
Norma Mode ios :
- Successfully achieve
- Noted seasonal philanthropist
- Giving the first performance of
- A number she sent strangely, with intuition
- Priced down
- Integral parts of inner workings
- Putting together
- Rise and fall irregularly in number
- Tending towards one point
- Bottom part
- Chemists & biologists
- Nursery where you shouldn’t throw stones
- Admirers or supporters
- Supposedly confidential fact which is known to all
- Biting bugs
- New creations
- Banks’ lending arrangements
- Sonogram
- Cracking codes
- It’s beautiful
- It hurts
- It’s really old
- It’s in a car
- It’s too short
Normal Mode Android :
- Anatomical bag
- Aquatic species
- Ballpoint’s point
- Big village
- Big weighty book
- Billy ____ (farm animal)
- Change from one language to another
- Changed hair color
- Changed hair colour
- Chocolate milk’s color
- Chocolate milk’s colour
- Country In Europe: Athens
- Country In Europe: Berlin
- Country In Europe: Madrid
- Country In Europe: Oslo
- Country In Europe: Paris
- Country In Europe: Rome
- Country In Europe: Stockholm
- Detailed, ornamental
- Division of a company like human resources
- Early models prior to mass production
- Excessively tanned that it hurts
- Exclusion from a group
- Extra money for waiters
- Garnet or topaz
- Gavel user
- Holders for letters
- Hypothesis, the ______ of Relativity by Albert Einstein
- Insinuating remarks
- Left and right indicators in the car
- Pepsi’s main competitor: Hyph.
- Performers with vocal chords that entertain audiences
- Portable writing surfaces
- Prefix that means “opposed to”
- Pronounced rhythm, in music
- Shapes in mathematics
- Show some emotion
- Spelling mistake
- Storage ____ (place to stash things)
- Use dirty campaigning against
- What do teachers take to ensure every student is accounted for
- What you call a male sheep
- When the skin gets puffy
- Wistful fondness for the past
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 401
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