You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 2986, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 2986 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- ____ worded (like a harsh reprimand)
- ________ worded (like a harsh reprimand)
- A water-loving bird
- Ali and “Milk,” e.g.
- Beard shaver
- Brushed away
- Descriptive text below an image shared on social media
- European ski destination
- First column to add, usually
- Fit and muscular
- Fur tycoon
- Get up on (a horse)
- Jack Daniel’s is this type of spirit
- Liveliness
- Makeup mishap or calligraphy fail
- Number that can be spelled with only one-point Scrabble tiles
- On the regular
- Pec-building exercises you can do at home
- Pharmacy stock
- Seek to influence, as in campaign
- Software test version
- Someone walking past
- Something that has no concern with the past is this
- Super scooper
- The average height of an American adults is 5 ____ 9 inches
- Things In A Tailor Shop: Bottom edge of a garment
- Things In A Tailor Shop: Home item used for storing clothes in an upright position inside a closet
- Things In A Tailor Shop: Material made by weaving together fibers, used to make clothes
- Things In A Tailor Shop: Part of a dress shirt
- Things In A Tailor Shop: Slide fastener on a sleeping bag
- Things In A Tailor Shop: Small circular object used to fasten clothes
- Things In A Tailor Shop: Something very hard to find in a haystack
- To pick up a call
- Typical behavior; Societal expectation
- Uninvited partygoer
- Untidy condition
- Walking aid
- What a baby’s bib catches
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 2987
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