You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 2493, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 2493 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- A heap or mound of objects piled on top of each other
- A legal battle to prevent monopolies
- A player without a team, making their own decisions
- A specific example that supports an argument
- Applauding sound of approval
- Competitive events on wheels with fierce rivalry
- Device that keeps the heart on rhythm, running the marathon
- Documents with grades that parents dread
- Don’t Be So Sour: Body’s natural response to exercise or heat
- Don’t Be So Sour: Brief message that conveys information
- Don’t Be So Sour: Fruity bunch with a punch
- Don’t Be So Sour: Furry fruit with green flesh and black seeds
- Don’t Be So Sour: Sharp and tangy dessert treat
- Don’t Be So Sour: Sour fruit, a vitamin C whiz
- Don’t Be So Sour: Sour liquid used for pickling and dressing
- Don’t Be So Sour: Sour yellow fruit that puckers your lips
- Don’t Be So Sour: Tangy preserve that’s quite the conundrum
- Don’t Be So Sour: Tropical fruit with sweet, pink flesh
- Element that strengthens blood and smoothens wrinkles
- Eternal motion, like a non-stop spinning top
- Excursions with seafarers exploring new horizons
- Freed from strict governmental control
- Gaze at with desire, as one may do at a beautiful person
- Genetic replica with identical features
- Home to Dracula’s castle and stunning landscapes
- Hot pepper from South America
- Intellectuals with refined taste, often found buried in books
- Mark left by careless spilled coffee
- North Star guiding lost souls through the darkness
- Not working well, like a broken engine
- Platform for crowdfunding creative projects
- Praise highly with admiration
- Purple beauties loved by vegetarians, often found in moussaka
- Reasoning that makes sense
- Shed tears like a broken heart in a romantic movie
- Shows excessive love and affection
- Stayed the same, like your old favorite t-shirt
- The peaceful cohabitation of different groups or ideas
- The way something is typically used or employed
- Things cluttered or crammed together
- Tiny leftover piece that disappears quickly
- To capture someone’s attention completely
- To pacify or calm someone down
- Unto is like “to”, but a little more poetic
- Winter accessories for keeping ears warm
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 2494
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