You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 2293, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 2293 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- A comfortable piece of furniture for relaxing
- A musical instrument with keys that you play
- A protein substitute for vegetarians
- A sweet, creamy confection typically made with chocolate
- Achieving a golden-brown color by basking in the sun or using a tanning bed
- Acting without premeditation or planning
- An ancient civilization known for their pyramids
- Beach trip reminders
- Betraying someone by deceiving them, often in a secretive way
- Biblical shrub that famously caught fire but was not consumed
- Carefully chosen or picked
- Children’s building block toy
- Counterbalance or compensate for something
- Cut or shaped with a sharp tool
- Falling short on skills or abilities
- Farm animals known for their oinking
- Feel remorse and seek forgiveness
- Gives someone the eye, not so subtly
- In a state of personal financial responsibility
- Laid-back atmosphere where rules are relaxed
- Legal action taken against someone
- Lost equilibrium, tipped the scales
- Love in French, sounds fancy but it’s just love
- Not lasting forever
- Part of your respiratory system
- People who utilize or operate something
- Picked out
- Popular Burger Toppings: Breakfast staple cracked open and fried
- Popular Burger Toppings: Creamy dairy product that melts beautifully
- Popular Burger Toppings: Crispy green leaves in your salad
- Popular Burger Toppings: Crispy strips of meat sizzling in a pan
- Popular Burger Toppings: Edible fungus with a distinctive cap and stem
- Popular Burger Toppings: Juicy red fruit often used in salads
- Popular Burger Toppings: Spicy dish to warm you up on a cold day
- Popular Burger Toppings: Tear-inducing vegetable used in cooking
- Popular Burger Toppings: Tropical pear
- Preference for an alternative option
- Preliminary version or a system of selecting people for military service
- Process of breaking into small grains or particles
- Quality that earns recognition or reward
- Quick, light touches or kisses
- Societal expectations and standards
- Someone who moves stealthily and uncomfortably
- Sometimes plants need a new home
- Sound made by applauding
- Suggesting or hinting at something without explicitly stating it
- The final part or conclusion
- The tide goes out, the water recedes
- To carefully choose or pick
- type of vehicle used for transportation
- Unique persons with their own characteristics
- Unit of electrical resistance
- What happens when you exercise too much
- Where you might store your wine bottles
- Zodiac sign known for seeking balance and justice
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 2294
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