You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 2253, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 2253 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- 24-hour period from sunrise to sunset
- A leisurely run to get the blood flowing
- Abbreviation for a small amount of seasoning in your recipe
- Also known as
- An argument or disagreement
- An unpleasant, lingering gaze
- Aquatic acrobat with a fuzzy coat
- Beat another team
- Can’t carry a tune to save their life
- Can’t carry a tune to save their lives
- Container for skeletal remains
- Container often used for preserving food
- Costs or fees for a service
- Expresses oneself dramatically
- Fast-paced winter sport played on ice
- Flourishes and prospers
- Game that can turn friends into rivals
- Informal newspaper or magazine
- Inhaled deeply to perceive a smell
- Instead of, in place of
- Large bovine mammal
- Make certain it’s all good to go
- Not young anymore
- One of the building blocks of matter
- One who inspires adoration and devotion
- People who make you fall asleep with their stories
- Perfectly coordinated like a well-oiled machine
- Polishes prose like a literary magician
- Put to practical purpose
- Reason To Miss Work: Dental expert who cares for teeth and gums
- Reason To Miss Work: Domesticated animal kept for companionship
- Reason To Miss Work: Feeling under the weather, in need of rest
- Reason To Miss Work: Group of non-professionals who decide guilt or innocence
- Reason To Miss Work: Medical procedure that involves operating on a patient
- Reason To Miss Work: Medical professional who treats and diagnoses illnesses
- Reason To Miss Work: Physical harm caused by an accident or other event
- Reason To Miss Work: Place where legal proceedings take place
- Reason To Miss Work: Unexpected event resulting in damage or injury
- Short for minute, a unit of time
- Slang term for a girl or woman
- Someone who has great fashion sense
- Strong desire or craving
- Tell a story or give an account of an event
- The feeling you get when you’re victorious
- The process of a baby bird breaking out of its shell
- The window to the soul
- Tiny insect known for its strong work ethic
- To give until it’s all gone
- To split or divide with force
- What happened to a neglected tooth over time
- What happens to a tooth over time
- What you do to stay fit or catch the bus
- What you give in exchange for work
- What you respond to when someone calls you
- Where a story comes to a halt
- Where you pay for your items at a store
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 2254
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