You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 2229, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 2229 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- A clever or humorous saying
- A figure made to scare away birds from crops
- A tall and tough mountain
- An abbreviation for miles per hour, a unit of speed
- Bar
- Capable of accomplishing a task
- Casual conversation about unimportant topics
- Combine numbers to find a sum
- Cool guy with slicked-back hair and a leather jacket
- Don’t Count The Food: Animal flesh consumed as food
- Don’t Count The Food: Creamy spread for bread and baking
- Don’t Count The Food: Essential mineral that enhances the flavor of food
- Don’t Count The Food: Italian staple made from durum wheat and water
- Don’t Count The Food: Morning meal option with milk, often crunchy
- Don’t Count The Food: Powdery ingredient used for baking and cooking
- Don’t Count The Food: Staple for sandwiches and toast
- Don’t Count The Food: Sweetener often added to coffee and tea
- Don’t Count The Food: Tangy condiment for hot dogs and sandwiches
- Don’t Count The Food: Tiny grains that are a staple in many Asian cuisines
- Employer’s unfair treatment of employees’ wages
- Estimated time of arrival
- Explosive displays of colorful lights and sounds
- Expression of disgust or distaste
- Famous person who shines brighter than everyone else
- Final statements made before departing this world
- Group of items that belong together
- Having big dreams and great aspirations
- Higher than something else
- Kind of deposit
- Large black and white ocean mammal
- Majestic mountain range in Europe
- Month with Halloween and pumpkin spice lattes
- Moving people or things from one place to another
- Mythical creature with many heads
- Not conforming to the usual pattern or rules
- Pig product often enjoyed during breakfast
- Possessive form of “it” used to show ownership
- Remain in one place
- Shade or tone of color
- Short for “frog,” a small amphibian
- Shortened term for the vehicle inspection
- Slithery creature found in rivers and oceans
- Small device used to control the flow of liquid
- Tall tree with rough, rugged bark
- The accuracy or exactness of something
- The part of the body used for hearing
- The part of the body used for hearing
- The total when you add numbers together
- To and _ _ _
- To reduce or lessen in intensity or speed
- Vast body of saltwater
- Vast body of saltwater
- Vehicle that transports many people at once
- Visual representation of geographic locations
- Visual representation of geographic locations
- Waist-cinching accessory worn with a kimono
- What you do when you think you know the outcome
- What you do with your coat after coming indoors
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 2230
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