You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 2128, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 2128 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- A group of animals or plants living together in an organized community.
- A man who is influential and protective within a criminal organization.
- A pungent and flavorful bulb used in cooking.
- A sharp tool used for shaping or cutting hard materials.
- Accidentally losing your balance and falling.
- Act of supporting or promoting a cause or idea
- Animal which is hunted and captured by another animal
- Color of hair often associated with wisdom
- Currency used in Myanmar
- Fashion house known for its luxurious designs
- Financial state of being unable to pay debts
- Hole in your tooth that needs to be filled
- Instances of returning to a place or activity
- Internet meme dog that became a virtual currency symbol
- Large marine mammal with long tusks and thick blubber
- Moving from the outside to the inside of something
- Outdoor activity of walking in nature
- People Build A Statue To Commemorate…: Brave individual serving in the military
- People Build A Statue To Commemorate…: Conflict between nations or groups
- People Build A Statue To Commemorate…: Freedom and independence, cherished by many
- People Build A Statue To Commemorate…: Leader of a country, elected to the highest office
- People Build A Statue To Commemorate…: Occurrence or happening, often planned or celebrated
- People Build A Statue To Commemorate…: Supreme being, often worshipped as divine
- People Build Statue To Commemorate…: Brave individual serving in the military
- People Build Statue To Commemorate…: Conflict between nations or groups
- People Build Statue To Commemorate…: Freedom and independence, cherished by many
- People Build Statue To Commemorate…: Leader of a country, elected to the highest office
- People Build Statue To Commemorate…: Occurrence or happening, often planned or celebrated
- People Build Statue To Commemorate…: Supreme being, often worshipped as divine
- Place where you often find packages left for you
- Sending messages to a wide audience through the airwaves
- Shapes on the moon during certain phases
- Sister of one’s parent
- Software that allows you to see and modify its code
- Someone who relies on another person for support
- Stick to this if you want things to stay in place
- The digit that follows eight in counting.
- The material or layer used to cover the inside of something.
- To follow orders or rules.
- To stay in a place or situation longer than necessary
- To voluntarily transfer something to someone else.
- Tried to do something, but with uncertain success.
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 2129
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