You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 1894, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 1894 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Comfortable piece of furniture for lounging
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Exercise equipment used for running indoors
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Furniture for sleeping on
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Room in a house for cooking and food preparation
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Set of steps for moving between different levels of a building
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Soft flooring material typically found in homes
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Soft object used for comfort and support
- A Place In The House Where Dogs Lie: Something you sit on
- Ancient language that still influences our vocabulary today
- Assesses the worth or value of something
- Bargain deal that could be easily missed
- Blocked or hindered from passing through
- Common image file format used on the internet
- Company that creates computer processors
- Contaminated or spoiled
- Dead language spoken by the ancient Romans and scholars
- Each and every one
- Elite college basketball tournament with intense competition
- Expressing intent to harm or cause trouble, making someone fearful
- Famous catchphrase of a giant, green rage monster
- Feeling a strong desire to do something
- Feeling bitter towards others for their possessions or qualities
- Finished or completed
- Free from doubt
- Giant circular ride that takes you up in the air
- How high or low a sound is
- In addition, besides
- Including all
- Lawsuit filed by a group of people with similar complaints against a company or organization
- Leave someone speechless or astonished by your actions
- Leave someone surprised or shocked
- Not knowing where you are, especially when it comes to finding your keys
- Note-holding tools for bosses who always seem too busy
- Parts of a country that aren’t quite states
- People who enjoy masticating
- Piece of plastic that holds your financial destiny
- Place for ships to load and unload goods
- Polite way to refer to a woman
- Process of losing fluids, often causing dryness and thirst
- Skills or talents that someone possesses
- Slowly wears away over time
- Small candy that taste the rainbow
- Smoking implement made of wood, clay, or briar
- Telling people what to do behind a camera
- Trying to persuade people to buy things they may not need
- Weekly pocket money that magically disappears in a blink
- What happens when the air is filled with tiny water droplets
- What you’re called, even if you forget it at times
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 1895
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