You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 1314, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 1314 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- A gathering of merriment and festivity
- A vehicle of power and protection
- Action of using someone or something as a model and trying to copy or reproduce their characteristics
- Acts of extreme violence or brutality
- Acts of injustice
- Blurred lines
- Break up, move, or remove earth, sand, etc., with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc
- Collection of elements that come together
- Collection of objects or items of a similar kind that belong together
- Collective immobility
- Color between black and white; intermediate shade between black and white
- Course of destiny
- Cycle of light and darkness
- Delicate organ of the tree
- Endures longer than something or someone else
- Excavation of discovery
- Exchange of fortunes
- Exchange one thing for another
- Exhibition or fair, especially one dealing with a particular theme
- Expression of happiness and warmth
- Expression of happiness or amusement
- Feathery friend
- Flattened structure of a higher plant
- Form of radiant energy that makes it possible to see objects
- Fowl that’s commonly consumed as food
- Fungal growth that develops on damp or decaying matter
- Graceful bridge
- Hanging bed made of fabric or netting, typically suspended between two trees or posts
- Having nothing inside
- Ideas or opinions produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind
- Illuminating force
- Inner musings
- Large container for storing liquid or gas
- Messengers of communication
- Mirror of replication
- Mischievous spirits
- Mischievous sprites
- Neutral hue
- Non-verbal cues that communicate a message
- Not easy to understand or define; vague or ambiguous
- Nourished the body
- Offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste
- Part of the body that connects the head to the torso
- Period of 24 hours, from midnight to the next midnight
- Powdered residue left after the burning of a substance
- Remnants of transformation
- Sculptor of form
- Second largest moon in our solar system
- Severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
- Showcase of innovation and ideas
- Simple past tense of “eat”
- Situation in which vehicles are stationary
- Small circular band
- Social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment
- Surpasses the trials of time and adversity
- Sweet thick liquid made by dissolving sugar in boiling water and sometimes flavored or medicated
- Swinging cradle
- Symbol of commitment
- Tempest of snow and wind
- Violation of rules or standards
- Way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Affectionate embrace
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Bend at a curtain call
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Black dots on music
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Gesture yes
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Piece of birthday mail
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Possible breakfast tribute
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Respectful public tribute
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Show off your braces
- Way To Say “Thank You”: Talent present
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 1315
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