You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike Level 1045, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Hike Level 1045 Answers :
Normal Mode Android :
- A failed product or project
- A month of awakening
- A place to stay overnight
- A single-celled organism
- Act of defense
- Act of nourishment
- Appliance used for clothes
- Badge of respect
- Become liable for
- Bond that intertwines
- Buzz of anticipation
- Collection of tools or supplies
- Conduit of expression
- Connected series of links
- Consume food
- Dark writing fluid
- Decorative addition
- Drop of liquid from the eye
- Edible aquatic herb with a tangy flavor
- Embellishment of beauty
- Excess and abundance
- Excessive promotion or publicity
- Eye of observation
- Film with the line “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”
- Filming device for short
- Fourth month of the year
- Frequently or regularly
- Frozen crystal
- Frozen water
- Hair stylist’s need
- Hanging on to, keeping
- Improve look of garden picture
- In addition or also
- Increase or multiple
- Increase quickly
- Increase quickly
- Inedible animal parts
- Informal term for a man
- Join pieces of fabric with needle and thread
- Lair
- Large ensemble for classical music
- Liquid sorrow
- Measuring Time: A hundred years
- Measuring Time: One of the four divisions
- Measuring Time: Planner square
- Measuring Time: Portion of time
- Measuring Time: Silver medal placing
- Measuring Time: Slash preceder
- Measuring Time: Teeny-weeny moment
- Measuring Time: Ten-year span
- Measuring Time: Two weeks
- Measuring Time: Wine label detail
- Method of cooking in the oven, producing delicious treats
- Moment of opportunity
- Natural disaster characterized by strong winds
- Nature’s swirling furies
- Number between nine and eleven
- One time
- Ordinary everyman
- Part of the body
- Pinnacle of achievement
- Pinnacle of achievement
- Possessive pronoun
- Red ___ (emergency status)
- Representation of a place
- Respond more strongly than is justified
- Resting place
- Resting place
- Seat of reason
- Shared sense of belonging
- Snap of freshness
- Something that’s crunchy and fresh
- Sound made by a dove
- Strike or hit
- Swallow a liquid
- Symphony of sounds
- Take care of
- Take fluids
- Talk excessively or quickly
- Time that has passed
- Title of respect for a man
- To defend or protect
- Tool for cutting weeds
- Tool of cultivation
- Top-class service vessel
- Used for heating or cooking
- Voice of avian affection
- Where snorting isn’t rude
- With anxiousness
- Writing liquid in a pen
- You’ve gone ___ far! (That’s overdoing it)
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Hike Level 1046
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