You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 692, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 692 Answers :
Version 1:
- A hindrance or disability : Impediment
- In finance, using debt to make a purchase : Leverage
- What kind of advantage is this? : Upperhand
- People who develop social skills and talents later in life are these : Latebloomers
- An inconvenient or unwelcome burden or demand : Imposition
- The celestial body that contains the Sun, Earth, and all the rest of our planets : Solarsystem
- An attitude of doubt and needing to “see it to believe it” : Skepticism
- To take notice of and give due credit to someone : Acknowledge
- 2014 animated film which brought construction blocks to life : Thelegomovie
Version 2:
- A group of citizens that has the power to indict : Grandjury
- Plan to minimize losses in case a business fails : Exitstrategy
- Rules to be followed while seated for a meal : Tablemanners
- The most dire punishment a court can order; abolished in many states and countries : Deathpenalty
- This gives a taste of what happens in a film : Movietrailer
- Skips shaving something, e.g. a beard : Growsitout
- Meals cooked in a deep dish inside the oven : Casseroles
- Referees actions to select the side to kickoff : Coinflips
- Assigned to an office : Appointed
- Something of greatest importance is one’s ___ ________ : Toppriority
- One who debates over semantics : Hairsplitter
- Ocular lenses that are part of an optical instrument : Eyepieces
- Purchases designed to last a long time : Durablegoods
- To think again with a view to changing a decision : Reconsider
- A senior employee responsible for the creative vision and overall design : Artdirector
- Message one may see at the start of a tutorial : Letsbegin
- Supplied or brightened with light, poetically : Illumined
- Warehouse vehicles used to carry heavy loads : Forklifts
- Slips past : Easesby
- To submit under pressure : Cavein
- To make certain that something will happen : Ensure
- To become tense or rigid : Stiffen
- Something done in an excessive amount is this : Profuse
- Checked and marked an assignment : Graded
- French-speaking comic character whose dog’s name is Snowy : Tintin
- Rod used by wizards to cast spells : Magicwand
- Something that can be thrown out is this : Discardable
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 693
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