You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 682, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 682 Answers :
Version 1:
- In boxing, the state of being close to defeat : Ontheropes
- Detergent-alternative used mostly to hand wash cloths : Barofsoap
- Slogan of skateboard apparel company Vans : Offthewall
- Backup plans : Fallbacks
- Beforehand; ahead in time : Inadvance
- Voice of Ralph in Disney’s animation “Wreck-It Ralph” : Johncreilly
- American actor who played Dan Conner in the TV series “Roseanne”, winning a Golden Globe : Johngoodman
- Phrase encouraging one to keep trying : Nevergiveup
- Inability to make a judgment; hesitation : Indecision
- What is this blockage? : Barricade
- Decreases in monetary value, interest rate, or exchange rate : Depreciates
- To mark as the exemplar for others; to act as the reference : Setthepace
Version 2:
- A way of living without relying on any public utilities or services : Offthegrid
- Time off in a school day : Freeperiod
- A liquid made stronger by removing water is this : Concentrated
- A common base for baked products : Pastrydough
- Treats with fondness : Cherishes
- May happen to your insurance if you get into an accident : Rateincrease
- Public toilets for males : Mensrooms
- Setting the speed for a foot race : Pacemaking
- Controls a crowd by dispersing an irritant in the air : Teargases
- Delivery entrances : Servicedoors
- One deliberately treating a serious issue with humor is this : Facetious
- A congested nose is this : Blocked
- Annuls a law : Repeals
- To have no doubts : Besure
- Monsters like Shrek and his family : Ogres
- Like Dante Hicks in the 1994 Kevin Smith movie : Clerk
- Descriptive text below an image shared on social media : Caption
- Person who makes lots of unwanted demands of peoples’ time : Imposer
- Bert from Sesame Street has this facial feature : Unibrow
- Something that is like a gift from above is this : Godsent
- Discharging a gun : Firing
- A disease that can be completely removed is this : Curable
- This should be kept down to avoid frustrating neighbors : Noiselevel
- Covered wood with a finishing layer of liquid resin again : Revarnished
- One’s capacity to keep in mind and recall a number of items : Memoryspan
- Something one can’t be certain of is this : Doubtable
- Word elements pronounced as separate sounds : Syllables
- To drill with questions : Interrogate
- Someone who is quick to recover from adversity is this : Resilient
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 683
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