You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 672, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 672 Answers :
Version 1:
- Jean Claude Van Damme starred as Scott Wheeler in this 2018 action drama : Blackwater
- Extraordinary agility moves performed by gymnasts : Acrobatics
- A payment required for passage on a freeway or road : Highwaytoll
- The facility in the White House reserved for members of the media : Pressroom
- To be ______ is a phrase often seen with a cliffhanger : Continued
- A police vehicle used for responding to incidents and chases : Patrolcar
- Constructively finding faults with something or someone : Criticizing
- Living this way means one’s bank balance isn’t on an upward trend : Monthtomonth
- This music group consists of brothers Barry, Maurice, and Robin Gibbs : Thebeegees
- Kareem _____ ______ is an NBA legend who played for the Bucks and the Lakers : Abduljabbar
- 1992 Mike Myer’s comedy based on an SNL sketch of the same name : Waynesworld
- US actor and singer who sang “Summer Wind” and “The Way You Look Tonight” : Franksinatra
- Halo and “Gears of War” are examples of these : Xboxgames
- What fascinating object caused this action? : Headturner
- A place that’s easy to get into is this : Accessible
- He produced “Human Nature” by Michael Jackson : Quincyjones
- The capital of this eastern US state is Charleston : Westvirginia
Version 2:
- The Gobi Desert covers parts of China and this country : Mongolia
- To find it hard to talk due to tears : Chokeup
- Elevated platforms used by public speakers : Podiums
- Lists of orders yet to be shipped : Backlogs
- Currents of rising air : Updrafts
- To put an “X” on the wrong spot : Mismark
- Chain of theme parks filled with building bricks : Legoland
- To merge into one political unit : Federate
- Institution that teaches how to paint and draw : Artschool
- Place in a house for one’s guests to sleep : Extrabedroom
- Superman’s uncle and enemy who has the same powers as him : Generalzod
- Something that causes concern is this : Worrisome
- Place to swim at an inn : Hotelpool
- A stream with no visible current : Stillwater
- To conform to another’s actions : Followsuit
- Bitterness and anger that someone feels about something : Resentment
- Hierarchical system originally observed among hens : Peckingorder
- One who is in deep slumber is this : Soundasleep
- Maintaining a grasp on something : Holdingon
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 673
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