You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 650, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 650 Answers :
Version 1:
- What kind of contest is this? : Rapbattle
- Long ____ ______ is the antagonist from the 1883 novel “Treasure Island” : Johnsilver
- According to The Notorious B.I.G., the consequence of “mo’ money” : Moproblems
- Colleagues of Hank Schrader on “Breaking Bad” : Deaagents
- Breaking information that may interrupt other broadcasts : Newsflash
- A higher ranked version of a clergy member represented in chess : Archbishop
- When one flees from a car accident scene : Hitandrun
- Carpe Diem : Seizetheday
- Idiom meaning something is quite common : Adimeadozen
- Reported after completing a mission : Debriefed
- Stops from getting a word in : Interrupts
- Easy, medium, hard, for example : Difficulty
- Reduce in speed : Decelerate
- Pains in the noggin : Headaches
Version 2:
- Soft cover over a mattress : Bedspread
- Teacher’s “Shh!” : Notalking
- Familiar with a situation : Usedtoit
- Firearm useful for sticky arts and crafts : Glueguns
- The “Last Supper” depicts Jesus together with this group : Apostles
- Made it difficult for something to happen : Hindered
- Formally arguing to potentially reach a mutual agreement : Debating
- Foot levers that operate machines : Treadles
- Social gathering where people might make a splash : Poolparty
- Running lanes of athletes : Tracks
- Place where a vessel is based : Homeport
- Something indicating a reason : Causal
- Pulls back in disgust : Recoils
- Harasses a speaker : Heckles
- People with X-genes in Marvel : Mutants
- Turned down an offer : Declined
- To utilize improperly : Misuse
- Ability to make good calls and snap decisions : Acumen
- Driving maneuvers that require signals : Lanechanges
- Like something currently in style : Latesttrend
- Frankly speaking, a simple food cart : Hotdogstand
- One’s mood in a particular moment : Frameofmind
- Phone service notifying you of a second call on the line : Callwaiting
- Like celebrities : Superstars
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 651
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