You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 615, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 615 Answers :
Version 1:
- The team from Atlanta with the most National League East titles : Braves
- The period when a game of golf begins : Teetime
- Where did this miraculous event happen in the legends? : Redsea
- To be within or in the middle of : Amongst
- To ruin a twist in a movie : Spoil
- Ones who are “out” : Oddmen
- Type of diet consisting of low carbohydrate intake and high-fat consumption : Banting
- The white outer layer of the eyeball : Sclera
- Hall of Famers : Greats
- Turns __ _ ____ means it can turn within a small space : Onadime
Version 2:
- Crosses the line : Goestoofar
- What is this adhesive brand? : Krazyglue
- Basic, even animalistic, instincts : Primalurges
- Those who consume animal flesh : Meateaters
- The study of projectiles : Ballistics
- Virgin Records is an example of this type of company : Recordlabel
- Settlement that is a little larger than a village : Smalltown
- Melon-like tropical fruits with black seeds : Papayas
- The way one behaves towards people : Manner
- Kept out by means of a barrier : Fenced
- Passenger car is typically this, with respect to the number of entrances : Fourdoor
- San Juan is the capital city of _____ Rico : Puerto
- Makes minor changes to something : Modifies
- Bullfighter : Matador
- One might say this after trying on a pair of jeans that fit well : Suitsme
- What do these lines represent? : Latitude
- To express in a different way : Rephrase
- First name of the chessmaster Carlson : Magnus
- Reason to be sent to sit in the corner : Badbehavior
- Where one does their window shopping : Storefront
- Sports gear used to protect the upper body : Shoulderpads
- Those who feast on members of their own species : Cannibals
- VCRs were used to play these : Cassettes
- Put on display : Showcased
- Parodied; spoofed : Satirized
- Object used to light up the dance floor : Discoball
- One whose job is to arrange engagements for an artist : Bookingagent
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 616
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