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Word Craze Level 1632 [ Answers ]

You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 1632, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.

Word Craze Level 1632 Answers :

Word Craze AnswersVersion 1:

  • In baseball, a situation when a runner advances unaided by a hit : Stolenbase
  • Branch of astronomy that deals with the concepts of matter, energy, and motion : Astrophysics
  • Thor is the best known of these mythical deities of Æsir : Norsegods
  • To achieve a task despite a problem that was posing a threat : Workaround
  • To make someone annoyed or unhappy : Displease
  • Something that happens ___ __ _ ______ happens unexpectedly : Allofasudden
  • To wait for someone over the phone : Stayonhold
  • Someone who was _____ ___ ____ was escorted out : Shownthedoor
  • Embarks on a journey by ship : Setssail
  • Michael Jordan, for the Charlotte Hornets : Teamowner
  • A phone conversation that got terminated due to technical issues : Droppedcall
  • To spend as little money as possible : Pinchpennies
  • A slippery slope at the pool in an amusement park : Waterslide
  • To take the more difficult path, metaphorically : Swimupstream
  • Parts of the airport for passengers who are leaving : Departures
  • Creates excessively elaborate texts : Overwrites

Version 2:

  • In baseball, a situation when a runner advances unaided by a hit : Stolenbase
  • Branch of astronomy that deals with the concepts of matter, energy, and motion : Astrophysics
  • Thor is the best known of these mythical deities of Æsir : Norsegods
  • To achieve a task despite a problem that was posing a threat : Workaround
  • To make someone annoyed or unhappy : Displease
  • Something that happens ___ __ _ ______ happens unexpectedly : Allofasudden
  • To wait for someone over the phone : Stayonhold
  • Someone who was _____ ___ ____ was escorted out : Shownthedoor
  • Embarks on a journey by ship : Setssail
  • Michael Jordan, for the Charlotte Hornets : Teamowner
  • A phone conversation that got terminated due to technical issues : Droppedcall
  • To spend as little money as possible : Pinchpennies
  • A slippery slope at the pool in an amusement park : Waterslide
  • To take the more difficult path, metaphorically : Swimupstream
  • Parts of the airport for passengers who are leaving : Departures
  • Creates excessively elaborate texts : Overwrites

After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 1633

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