You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 1496, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 1496 Answers :
Version 1:
- Something uncut or unabridged is this : Fulllength
- Cloths and fabrics used to make garments : Materials
- Greeting on a spring Christian holiday : Happyeaster
- What a hobo might ask for : Sparechange
- Started via electricity : Poweredup
- Extra time given to pay owed money without a late fee : Graceperiod
- The study of the causes and effects of disease and injury : Pathology
- University in Lubbock whose mascot is the Masked Rider : Texastech
- Walking pompously : Strutting
- Great size or extent of something : Magnitude
- Occasions when a race participant begins to race before they should : Falsestarts
Version 2:
- Having a verbal quarrel : Disputing
- Added some character to hair or fabric : Texturized
- Violent volcano activities : Eruptions
- Made a noise : Sounded
- Zesty casserole with a crust : Tacopie
- Gets stiflingly hot : Swelters
- Cooked a turkey in the oven : Roasted
- 1988 sitcom created by Matt Williams : Roseanne
- To cuddle with your partner : Nestleup
- Takes to one’s heels : Runsaway
- To knock an animal with your car : Runover
- Reading through and editing your essay : Revising
- 1980s hairstyle with a long strand in the back : Ratstail
- Sound produced by the instrument invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori : Pianomusic
- Restyling a room to make it more modern : Facelifting
- Ponytail holder : Scrunchie
- Someone cruel and unfeeling is this : Hardhearted
- Word used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument : Furthermore
- Pattern on many formal suits : Pinstripes
- Mythical reptiles known as a serpent kings : Basilisks
- Getting a deal skillfully and with tact : Finessing
- Judge who makes an unbiased decision is this : Impartial
- Razor blade tool used to open deliveries : Boxcutter
- Ceiling with a semi-cylindrical arch : Barrelvault
- Taking control of a land : Conquering
- Where the timber ends : Treeline
- Large machines that turn logs into planks and boards : Sawmills
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 1497
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