You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 1479, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 1479 Answers :
- Made someone feel young and energetic : Rejuvenated
- Person who ranked at an inferior hierarchy is this : Lowstatus
- Performs spontaneously : Improvises
- Doing acrobatic tricks on a bounce : Trampolining
- Making something responsive to certain stimuli : Sensitizing
- Not emptied of water : Undrained
- People who severely rebuke others : Chastisers
- Tom Hanks starred in this 2016 film directed by Clint Eastwood : Sully
- Weapons of a boxer : Fists
- Spooky house feels : Eerie
- Space Invaders company : Atari
- Protagonist in “Beauty and the Beast” : Belle
- _____ and Georgia (2021 Netflix show) : Ginny
- Feature of the Dead Sea : Salty
- One with less dust build up on it might be this : Newer
- There’s a ring that can tell which of these you are in : Moods
- Making way around a situation : Maneuvering
- Comes nearer to : Approaches
- Sensation in your skin that makes you want to scratch : Irritation
- People who prevent others from having what they want : Deprivers
- Put into people’s bodies via surgery : Implanted
- Coin used to ride the train in NYC : Subwaytoken
- Something positioned diagonally opposite another is positioned in this manner : Cattycorner
- Females with great strength endurance : Ironwomen
- Covered wood with a substance in order to make it shiny : Lacquered
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 1480
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