You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Craze Level 1204, You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the level. The game is new and we decided to cover it because it is a unique kind of crossword puzzle games. We have compiled here all the puzzles we found in this level so you just have to read the answers.
Word Craze Level 1204 Answers :
- Served food : Dishedout
- Jumping over a bar using a flexible rod : Polevaulting
- Place for a poster inside a magazine : Centerspread
- What dairy product does this make? : Buttermilk
- 3″ x 5″ aids for speakers : Indexcards
- New and unusual experiences : Novelties
- Stalls that hold magazines, comic books, and other periodicals : Newsstands
- _____! _____! Read all about it : Extraextra
- Simple and traditional song for children : Nurseryrhyme
- Expression for a structure built on a shaky foundation : Houseofcards
- Off the hook : Outoftrouble
- Behavior made automatic from frequent repetition : Forceofhabit
After finishing this level, you can continue playing without stress by visiting this topic : Word Craze Level 1205
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