After solving quotescapes CONSUMPTION, we will continue in this topic with Quotescapes CREATION. This game was developed by Thrive Games LL a famous one known in puzzle games for ios and android devices.
From Now on, you will have all the hints, cheats and needed answers to complete this puzzle.You will have in this game to find words from the tiles on the screen by using the hint shown at the top in order to complete the level.
Quotescapes CREATION Answers:
PS: if you are looking for another level answers, you will find them in the below topic :
- All art is but imitation of nature.
- Patience is the secret to good food.
- Art is doing. Art deals directly with life.
- Innovation is the calling card of the future.
- The design of a city is like a strange archeology.
- Friendship is something that is cultivated.
- Music is art, and making watches is art, too.
- Art doesn’t transform. It just plain forms.
- Architects design houses. I live in a home.
- When you create art, the world has to wait.
- You don’t take a photograph, you make it.
- Great art picks up where nature ends.
- We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.
- I cry out for order and find it only in art.
- Fine art is knowledge made visible.
- South Park started as a little video Christmas card.
- Words are but the signs of ideas.
- I do not seek. I find.
You can now come back to the main topic of the game and locate your next level.I Hope you found the word you searched for.
If you have any suggestion, please feel free to comment this topic.
Thank You.