Michael solves the New york times mini crossword of DEC 31 2022. Without further ado, I will help you fill all the blank clues of this grid. This puzzle is quite hard. I am more than happy to serve the NYT crosswords community. Thus, the following are the solutions you need:
New York Times Mini Crossword DEC 31 2022 answers
- Like the number of socks you might take out of the dryer, unfortunately nyt clue
- Eco-friendly nyt clue
- Playfully goofy nyt clue
- Feature of sales in Delaware, Oregon and New Hampshire nyt clue
- Opposing vote nyt clue
- Constellation with a “belt” nyt clue
- Major airline since 1929 nyt clue
- Travel headache nyt clue
- Channel with reruns of “Family Feud” nyt clue
- Greek goddess of the night nyt clue
We solved also Nyt’s today crossword, if you are interested on the answers please go to New York Times Crossword DEC 31 2022.