Michael solves the New york times mini crossword of DEC 09 2023. Without further ado, I will help you fill all the blank clues of this grid. This puzzle is quite hard. I am more than happy to serve the NYT crosswords community. Thus, the following are the solutions you need:
New York Times Mini Crossword DEC 09 2023 answers
- Wrap worn by ancient Romans nyt clue
- Gets a layup or a touchdown nyt clue
- Stinging insect found in the southern U.S. nyt clue
- Mens ___ (legal concept) nyt clue
- Federal medical research agcy. nyt clue
- Fashionable, from the French nyt clue
- Reptiles that look like their first and last letters? nyt clue
- They can hide bad haircuts nyt clue
- Part of the foot nyt clue
- Fruit that looks like its first letter? nyt clue
- Super-smart person nyt clue
- “___ saying goes …” nyt clue
- Popular Toyota minivan nyt clue
- Fancy necktie nyt clue
- How a movie might be “Certified” on Rotten Tomatoes nyt clue
- Gives a thumbs-up nyt clue
We solved also Nyt’s today crossword, if you are interested on the answers please go to New York Times Crossword DEC 09 2023.