Michael solves the New york times crossword answers of SATURDAY 12 09 2023, created by Doug Peterson and Christina Iverson and edited by Will Shortz. Without further ado, I will help you fill all the blank clues of this grid. This puzzle is quite hard. I am more than happy to serve the NYT crosswords community. Thus, the following are the solutions you need:
Nyt Crossword Across
- 1. Try not to attract attention Nyt Clue
- 11. This and that Nyt Clue
- 15. Geographical inspiration for Strauss Nyt Clue
- 16. Alas! Nyt Clue
- 17. 100% correct! Nyt Clue
- 18. Tab, essentially Nyt Clue
- 19. Safaris, e.g. Nyt Clue
- 20. Fish also known as wahoo Nyt Clue
- 21. Play again Nyt Clue
- 22. Not std. Nyt Clue
- 23. Border region along the Rhine Nyt Clue
- 25. ___ Championship Nyt Clue
- 26. Bit of assistance Nyt Clue
- 28. Shell-inspired shade of greenish blue Nyt Clue
- 30. Run like a mouse Nyt Clue
- 33. Founder of the Shondaland production company Nyt Clue
- 34. Defiant declaration popularized by the drag queen Bianca Del Rio Nyt Clue
- 36. Most of the English force at Agincourt Nyt Clue
- 37. Itchy layers Nyt Clue
- 38. Goddess of the loud hunt, in Homers Iliad Nyt Clue
- 40. Safari destinations Nyt Clue
- 41. M.M.A. decision Nyt Clue
- 42. Pulitzer category Nyt Clue
- 44. Part of U.C.S.F.: Abbr. Nyt Clue
- 47. Northern lapwing Nyt Clue
- 49. Break down, in a way Nyt Clue
- 50. Break down, in a way Nyt Clue
- 52. Swedish actress Lena Nyt Clue
- 53. Chance to start fresh Nyt Clue
- 55. Make advances Nyt Clue
- 56. 19th-century garb completed by top hats and gloves Nyt Clue
- 57. Tense Nyt Clue
- 58. Lets have our cake and eat it, too! Nyt Clue
Nyt Crossword Down
- 1. Disney channel Nyt Clue
- 2. The Nutcracker role Nyt Clue
- 3. One pulling some strings Nyt Clue
- 4. Long part of a bouzouki Nyt Clue
- 5. Big deals Nyt Clue
- 6. Amy who wrote The Kitchen Gods Wife Nyt Clue
- 7. Played out Nyt Clue
- 8. Dig locale Nyt Clue
- 9. Not here Nyt Clue
- 10. The Eagle, e.g., for short Nyt Clue
- 11. First Nigerian-born singer to win a Grammy Nyt Clue
- 12. Epithet for Tarzan Nyt Clue
- 13. Causes to grow, humorously Nyt Clue
- 14. Car-washing equipment Nyt Clue
- 21. Locale for Ping-Pong, foosball, dancing, etc. Nyt Clue
- 23. U.N. secretary general Guterres Nyt Clue
- 24. Quick Nyt Clue
- 26. What might be heard before a bust Nyt Clue
- 27. Stab Nyt Clue
- 29. Toys with strings Nyt Clue
- 30. Did some shallow breathing? Nyt Clue
- 31. Bootlickers specialty Nyt Clue
- 32. Word with data or deal Nyt Clue
- 35. Words to end a play Nyt Clue
- 36. Pillar of the superhero community Nyt Clue
- 39. Heavenly being Nyt Clue
- 43. Maguire of 2009s Brothers Nyt Clue
- 44. Idaho senator Mike Nyt Clue
- 45. Its a good thing Nyt Clue
- 46. Spot check? Nyt Clue
- 48. Fictional Dr. Jones, familiarly Nyt Clue
- 50. Big deal Nyt Clue
- 51. Many a North African Nyt Clue
- 53. Use a hitch on Nyt Clue
- 54. People with a language of the same name Nyt Clue
We solved also the Nyt mini crossword of today, if you are interested on the answers please go to New York Times Mini Crossword DECEMBER 09 2023.