Michael solves the New york times crossword answers of THURSDAY 04 27 2023, created by Michael Schlossberg and edited by Will Shortz. Without further ado, I will help you fill all the blank clues of this grid. This puzzle is quite hard. I am more than happy to serve the NYT crosswords community. Thus, the following are the solutions you need:
Nyt Crossword Across
- 1. The tiniest bit Nyt Clue
- 8. Windbag? Nyt Clue
- 15. International medical group that won the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize, literally Nyt Clue
- 16. Characteristic of an interminable slog, literally Nyt Clue
- 17. Radical Nyt Clue
- 18. Like some batteries and baseball teams Nyt Clue
- 19. Good to go Nyt Clue
- 20. Film character who says Donkey, two things, OK? Shut … up Nyt Clue
- 22. The Three Lions, on World Cup scoreboards Nyt Clue
- 23. Absolute concentration, literally Nyt Clue
- 27. Digression Nyt Clue
- 30. Is no more Nyt Clue
- 31. Lite Nyt Clue
- 35. Think harder! Nyt Clue
- 36. Netflix heroine Holmes Nyt Clue
- 37. Alleviates pain a little … or what this puzzle does to certain squares for literal effect Nyt Clue
- 43. Beach letters Nyt Clue
- 44. Conscious of Nyt Clue
- 45. Make lace Nyt Clue
- 46. Charges lacking merit, literally Nyt Clue
- 51. Passes out in front of a T.S.A. agent? Nyt Clue
- 53. Separates from the mother ship, say Nyt Clue
- 56. Same Nyt Clue
- 57. Bird that becomes an emotion if an r is added to the front Nyt Clue
- 58. Ill take that as ___ Nyt Clue
- 59. How entertaining! Nyt Clue
- 65. Mattel game with colorful cards Nyt Clue
- 66. ___ Excellency Nyt Clue
- 67. Some adult nightclub entertainers, literally Nyt Clue
- 68. Sch. with satellite campuses in Salt Lake City and Jerusalem Nyt Clue
- 69. Hosp. locales Nyt Clue
- 70. Drag ones feet Nyt Clue
- 71. Held a session Nyt Clue
Nyt Crossword Down
- 1. Throws in Nyt Clue
- 2. Tender Nyt Clue
- 3. Exam for a future OB/GYN Nyt Clue
- 4. ___ not you … Nyt Clue
- 5. One of many in a Seurat painting Nyt Clue
- 6. Useful information, metaphorically Nyt Clue
- 7. Swear off Nyt Clue
- 8. Things that may stand near thrones? Nyt Clue
- 9. Mushroom in ramen Nyt Clue
- 10. Sch. with a Big Easy medical center Nyt Clue
- 11. Ad ___ Nyt Clue
- 12. Gawk at Nyt Clue
- 13. Say ___ Nyt Clue
- 14. Kind of beetle Nyt Clue
- 21. Tiny messenger Nyt Clue
- 23. Together, musically Nyt Clue
- 24. Actress Harper of Tender Mercies Nyt Clue
- 25. Slavic name thats an anagram of 12-Down Nyt Clue
- 26. Zip Nyt Clue
- 27. Some times, in brief Nyt Clue
- 28. Bar on a dish Nyt Clue
- 29. Traits that trigger repulsion Nyt Clue
- 32. Some pedicure treatments Nyt Clue
- 33. Spider in a garage, informally? Nyt Clue
- 34. Chief justice before Hughes Nyt Clue
- 38. Haunted house sound Nyt Clue
- 39. Cassette background noise Nyt Clue
- 40. Greenhouse gas regulator, for short Nyt Clue
- 41. Not you, too?! Nyt Clue
- 42. Slay Nyt Clue
- 47. Dude in a jazz ensemble Nyt Clue
- 48. Gaggles Nyt Clue
- 49. Danish birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen Nyt Clue
- 50. December drink Nyt Clue
- 51. Source of more than half of the trout sold in the U.S. Nyt Clue
- 52. Locale known for its slang Nyt Clue
- 54. Endpoint of the Great Wildebeest Migration Nyt Clue
- 55. Of heavy build Nyt Clue
- 60. Laugh track bit Nyt Clue
- 61. Actress de Armas Nyt Clue
- 62. Channel for a cinephile Nyt Clue
- 63. 2/ Nyt Clue
- 64. Link letters Nyt Clue
We solved also the Nyt mini crossword of today, if you are interested on the answers please go to New York Times Mini Crossword APRIL 27 2023.