Hi All,
You can use this topic to solve : Framed October 8, 2022. This day was successfully solved, I am sharing it with you in order to help those who are struggling to find the word. To remind you, this game is available for free in its website Framed.wtf and you have to find a word per day.
So let’s talk a little about this game , you need to find the name of a film . You are allowed six attempts, and for each attempt, the image shown changes. You will therefore have six different visuals taken from the same feature film. Of course, the goal of the game is to find the work with as few errors as possible!
As for Wordle, the game offers only one game per day .
Framed October 8, 2022 Answer :
PS : You can also comeback to the main topic : Framed answers by clicking on this link.Here is the answer of this day :
- Pierrot le Fou
This day is finished, so it is possible to be prepared for the next music, just check this topic : Framed answer October 9
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