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This passage aims you to help you strike the answers of Figgerits Level 869.The game is developed by Hitapps Games. Undoubtedly our major mission is to assist you in solving the levels. Therefore, in order to enjoy continuous progress, you have nothing to do but to visit our topics frequently as we reveal new clues with every update.
Figgerits Level 869 Answers :
Version 1:
- Raised when referring to the process of nurturing animals
- Section (synonym)
- Materials or substances with a shiny appearance (adj.)
- What’s a term for the act of following established rules, standards?
- An abstract spiritual world beyond earthly reality
- To create a __ designed space, a sense of balance is crucial
- Optimistically (antonym)
- What do we call a light informal meal?
- An area covered with thickets of small branches and twigs
- A __ is a hasty and untidy piece of writing
- Asleep (antonym)
- She __ towards a minimalist style
- A small, welcoming establishment that accommodates travelers
- __ involves disloyalty or betrayal of one’s former group
- Made or joined or united into one
And the phrase solution is : To Be Yourself In A World That Is Constantly Trying To Make You Something Else Is The Greatest Accomplishment.
Version 2:
- “Raised” when referring to the process of nurturing animals
- Section (synonym)
- Materials or substances with a shiny appearance (adj.)
- What’s a term for the act of following established rules, standards?
- An abstract spiritual world beyond earthly reality
- To create a __ designed space, a sense of balance is crucial
- Optimistically (antonym)
- What do we call a light informal meal?
- An area covered with thickets of small branches and twigs
- A __ is a hasty and untidy piece of writing
- Asleep (antonym)
- She __ towards a minimalist style
- A small, welcoming establishment that accommodates travelers
- __ involves disloyalty or betrayal of one’s former group
- Made or joined or united into one
And the phrase solution is : To Be Yourself In A World That Is Constantly Trying To Make You Something Else Is The Greatest Accomplishment
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