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This passage aims you to help you strike the answers of Figgerits Level 421.The game is developed by Hitapps Games. Undoubtedly our major mission is to assist you in solving the levels. Therefore, in order to enjoy continuous progress, you have nothing to do but to visit our topics frequently as we reveal new clues with every update.
Figgerits Level 421 Answers :
Version 1:
- This rock contains layers of minerals
- This applies to sharp needles
- Setting afire in one word
- The kernel of this orange fruit can create cyanide
- Online audible series to listen to
- It’s the past participle of walking in a specified way
- How to describe a bohemian and disreputable person?
- A group of soldiers that is commanded by a lieutenant
- A synonym to “berate” or “punish”
- To have wishful thoughts while being awake
- When someone feels concerned and distressed they are ___
- An accused person who is in a court of law
- A person that permanently moves to a foreign country
- This stain from a ___ marker ruined my shirt
- When you keep something under control, it’s called ___
- When a republic terminates its membership in a union
And the phrase solution is : 80 Percent Of The Forest That Dominated The Earth 8,000 Years Ago Is Gone.
Version 2:
- This rock contains layers of minerals
- This applies to sharp needles
- “Setting afire” in one word
- The kernel of this orange fruit can create cyanide
- Online audible series to listen to
- It’s the past participle of walking in a specified way
- How to describe a bohemian and disreputable person?
- A group of soldiers that is commanded by a lieutenant
- A synonym to “berate” or “punish”
- To have wishful thoughts while being awake
- When someone feels concerned and distressed they are ___
- An accused person who is in a court of law
- A person that permanently moves to a foreign country
- This stain from a ___ marker ruined my shirt
- When you keep something under control, it’s called ___
- When a republic terminates its membership in a union
And the phrase solution is : 80 Percent Of The Forest That Dominated The Earth 8,000 Years Ago Is Gone
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