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This passage aims you to help you strike the answers of Figgerits Level 2419.The game is developed by Hitapps Games. Undoubtedly our major mission is to assist you in solving the levels. Therefore, in order to enjoy continuous progress, you have nothing to do but to visit our topics frequently as we reveal new clues with every update.
Figgerits Level 2419 Answers :
Version 1:
- Facial feature used for biting and speaking
- The poker player remained __, revealing nothing about his hand
- What’s an informal term for a young hen?
- The alarm clock __ me from a deep slumber
- Appliance for extracting liquid from fruits
- The Titanic was believed to be __
- The result of mixing different elements
- A glossy or smooth outer garment for rain
- With great enthusiasm or vitality
- The tailor recommended this fabric for __ professional attire
- Providing evidence or support for a claim
- A book by Michele Obama
- Playing a part in bringing about a result
- What’s a racing sled for two or more people?
- Lacking self-restraint, especially in terms of emotions
And the phrase solution is : A Journey Is Like Marriage. The Certain Way To Be Wrong Is To Think You Control It.
Version 2:
- Facial feature used for biting and speaking
- The poker player remained __, revealing nothing about his hand
- What’s an informal term for a young hen?
- The alarm clock __ me from a deep slumber
- Appliance for extracting liquid from fruits
- The Titanic was believed to be __
- The result of mixing different elements
- A glossy or smooth outer garment for rain
- With great enthusiasm or vitality
- The tailor recommended this fabric for __ professional attire
- Providing evidence or support for a claim
- A book by Michelle Obama
- Playing a part in bringing about a result
- What’s a racing sled for two or more people?
- Lacking self-restraint, especially in terms of emotions
And the phrase solution is : A Journey Is Like Marriage. The Certain Way To Be Wrong Is To Think You Control It
Once You succeed this puzzle, The journey goes on smoothly when you visit this topic: Figgerits Level 2420
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